"Holidays" are here yet again!A week's worth of mugging time,which i know i won't make full use of.Well at least there's something to cheer about,Tpjc has to be the most "happening" school around,complete with teacher-student scandal,lousiest canteen award(ok this award is a self-proclaimed one),and the prata man incident,and the latest one?We've got the "hottest" teacher in our school!Non other than miss lydia tan! (a.k.a miss are-u-checking-me-out teacher)
`My heart raced,my mind went into a blank.For a moment i was caught off-guard,kocked off my feet.Time stopped for a moment,at that instant,when your eyes caught mine.Now that that moment's gone,my heart sinks,mind still in a blank,wondering what hit me,and regretting the shot i didn't take.I didn't give myself a chance to miss even,pathetic.
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